Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jake has started smiling....and laughing, a little.  As soon as I get a good picture, I'll post it.

Kailey is working on her vocabulary.  The other day, we asked if she would like a grilled cheese sandwich.  This is then what happened between Kailey and Shelli:

S:  I am going to have one, do you want one?
K:  one what?
S:  grilled cheese sandwich
K:  ya, but that is not what they are called
S:  really?  then what are they called
K: girls' cheese sand itch
S:  no they aren't, it is a grilled cheese sandwich
K:  no it is not.  MOM, look at me [puts a hand on either side of Shelli's face]
K:  you have to repeat after me
S: ok
K: girls
S: girls
K: cheese
S: cheese
K: sand
S: sand
K: itch
S: itch
K:  yes, very good... see, that was not too hard.

(yes, she did get her food)